Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kix and the City

I love this show! Wish I had these sneaker connections. Man, sneakers are like crack. Is it worse to be addicted to sneakers or drugs? Well, there is no difference. I get that itch and it is over. Well, to satisfy my urge I research and watch a lot of video's and pretend I bought the kicks because can't really afford them all at the moment. All good, have my wish list.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hasani Pettiford

So I just heard this brother speak and all I have to say is...wow! Hasani Pettiford speaks the realness about dating, finances, health and life. He is an acclaimed writer as well as speaker. Some of his books include Black Thighs, Black Guys and Bedroom lies and The 12 Habits of Successful People: A 12 Step Program for Success. What I truly enjoy most is how his discussions are rooted with the word (The word meaning from the bible). I know that he gives discussions at various locations and he is not one to be missed. You can google in his name because his sight is down- hasanipettiford.com. If you truly listen and take to heart what he talks about it will change your life. Here is a video of the man speaking.


I am definitely feeling Fab's new album, "Loso's Way". I love the title and essence of this track. This video is done well and they keep airing it to death on MTV jams and hits. Enjoy