Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vegas baby, Vegas

It has been a few years since I've been to Vegas. I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to head to Vegas this past weekend(Easter 2011). The trip for me was speculation. I knew about the trip because I was invited about a month prior. However, what was the point? I knew one person well and the others I meet once or twice. One of those member were drunk as hell the first time I met her (you know who you are). How much fun could I really have? "I need to work", was my thought process. With the insistence of my friend Nic and new friend Veronica (sis) I decided to purchase a flight leaving Los Angeles on Saturday night and arrive in Las Vegas an hour later. Why not? Not knowing people has never stopped me from engaging in activities in the past. I actually love to meet new people and experience different things.
Life has a way of working in your favor because as soon as I arrived at the Venetian hotel I was greeted with love (drink ready for me) and I should add that I was looking dapper with my bow tie. I also got us kinda plugged into club Marqee (Kinda, sorry guys, especially Jeff. But all the ladies got in free). So with my 6 new Vegas buddies we ventured off and I must say that I have not had as much fun or laughed as hard in a 24hr period in a very long time. We were busting jokes, drinking, meeting new friends, dancing, meeting more people, lost some friends, lost cell phones, some people were making out with girls who love it if your 28, rescued lost friends, ate a 4am breakfast, walked in on people having sex, busted more jokes and eventually got some sleep (very little). This was only the first night. The next day of course was a recovery day but the drive back (I did not fly) was even funnier than the trip. We had so many fun experiences as we began to recall our night. We also had to recall experiences for people who were too messed up to remember what happened. We danced some Michael Jackson, listened to some J Dilla and even popped in some Daft Punk.

I was super glad that I went to Vegas. I did not know what to expect, however I went with it. I want to shout out my Vegas hommies and say thank you to Veronica, Candice, Nic, Jeff, John and Nel. Thank you for a fun experience. Thank you for making me laugh and thank you for your love. This trip is one that will definitely be difficult to top, however I will try.