Monday, May 27, 2013

In the presence of greatness...Mr. Pharaoh Sanders

I used to tutor this 3rd grade student and I would always talk and make arrangements with her mother, never dealt with the father. I would occasionally see her father walking around the house but would rarely speak to him. One day I arrived early for a session and I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I realized that someone was playing jazz music really loud on the stereo (so I thought). I continued to knock and then the playing stopped and my students father came to the door. He welcomed me pleasantly and asked me to come in and wait until the student arrived. I was lead to the living room to have a seat when I made the comment, "I heard you were playing jazz on your stereo. Do you like jazz?". Mr. Sanders (sorry, the last name of my student was Sanders) responded by saying, "That wasn't the stereo, I was playing. You like jazz?" I responded by saying, "yup, I try and listen to it when I can." As I uttered my words I looked at him and then all of a sudden looked around my surroundings. I realized there was a saxophone, piano and some jazz memorabilia around. I then looked up and saw a picture in a frame with Mr. Sanders on it but it had a first name to it, 'Pharaoh Sanders'. I immediately has a spaz out moment and realized I was in front of Pharaoh Sanders, a jazz legend! Pharaoh played with John Coltrain and got his start with him. Of course the whole time Pharaoh smiled and looked at me as I was piecing everything together. This whole time I was in the presence of jazz history. Well, after I discovered who Pharaoh was I tried talking to him as much as possible. He was such a nice and humble man and I would always try and milk him for information. Well, if you haven't heard of any his music before then take a listen. Sometimes we may not realize we are in the presence of such rich history.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

They perfect way to make friends is by cooking

We all love to eat. One, because of the excitement our taste pallet receive when you get a mouth watering meal. Secondly, we are human so we need to eat to nourish ourselves. Mr. Porter which is a site where you can purchase great mens wear, taught how to dress, pack for a trip, philosophy of great entrepreneurs and learn how to cook! They have a segment titled The Way I cook and in this episode they visit Mr. Oddur Thorrison who is a photographer. He teaches us how he makes his signature steak and potato cake, a perfect date night meal. For my gentleman, take some notes. Enjoy!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another summer 2013 anthem!

Crickets by Drop City Yacht Club feat Jeremih is a fun song!! I've decided to make a summer mixtape album and this is one song that will def be on it. Dang, you know what? I'll put the mixtape on my blog once it's up. Let's see if I get any downloads, haha. It will probably be a compilation of past and present tracks so be on the look out!! Upscale Hood Summer mixtape coming soon!!! Until then enjoy the video and song!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm a dancer stuck in a...dancers body?

I've mentioned it before and I'll mention it again...I love to dance! Now, I've never stuck around a dance class that long. I learned everything from watching, dancing at the club or dancing in my room for fun. The one time I was committed to class I was taking ballet, modern and hip hop (all at once). Two weeks in I tore ligaments in my left knee playing basketball. Waaaccckkkk! After that I never thought about taking a class...that is until a good friend of mine recommended that I take a class as a form of stress relief. She told me that dancing makes me happy and I responded with..."damn, you're right. Taking a class once a week would be really good for me". Oh, its been a few years since the surgery. Sssooooo, I've amped up my dancing practice (at home) by watching videos online and just having more fun. I have also begun looking into some spots to take some dance classes. Any recommendations? Do I have an ambition to become a JT or Chris Brown backup dancer? No...well that would be sick but I'm in this for the fun. Plus, it would look cool on my acting resume. Here is a video by a super talented dance choreographer named Vinh Nguyen and a routine he setup for Fine China by Chris Brown. When I get some routines down I'll make sure to post some video of me dancing. Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

High five!!!

I work with a lot of kids. I tutor/mentor them and I am truly appreciative to be around their energy. Some are shy when they first meet me. Others are extremely curious about me. They'll ask any questions, kids say the craziest things. I'll also get the older student who thinks he/she is too cool to talk and then after a while I break em down because I'm cool like that. One thing that I really enjoy is creating handshakes with them. Below is one of my students and something we came up with! Remember to always be a kid!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

The power of being vulnerable

I was speaking to one of my mentee's and we were discussing dreams, goals and visions. As we began discussion we started talking about things that he loved to do. I also began to speak about things that I loved. After a lengthy conversation we were talking about making ourselves open to life and allowing things to happen for ourselves by taking action. "We need to declare what we want, you know take risks. I guess make ourselves vulnerable to dreams.", I told him. When I said the word vulnerable he immediately responded with weakness. I had to pause for a second. I sat there and allowed that to marinate in my brain. Weakness, weakness...weakness. Does vulnerability mean weakness? Words associated with weakness are frail, feeble, powerless and uncertain. Of course as faith has it I came across an amazing video through a friend by Brené Brown on dun dun dun...vulnerability!! Brené Brown studies human connection and gave a great lecture at a TED forum. I watched her talk (3 times consecutively) and sat there reflecting. She actually spoke about vulnerability as being strong and courageous, not being weak or powerless. She spoke about those who are vulnerable believe they are worthy: 

People who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging...our fear is that we're not worthy of connection...they fully embraced vulnerability. They have a sense of courage...they had the compassion to be kind to themselves first...they believed what made them vulnerable made them beautiful.

She continued talking about those who are vulnerable are risk takers regardless of the circumstance:

They just talked about it being necessary. They talked about the willingness to say "I love you" first, the willingness to do something where there are no guarantees, the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram.  Their willingness to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out. 

Over the past few years I associated vulnerability with being guarded (It takes a lot of energy to be guarded until it becomes effortless). I always viewed being vulnerable as never allowing others seeing your emotions or never allowing others knowing how you feel; a life of a continuous poker face. Vulnerability in the world of war could lead to an open attack, a weakness in defense, it can lead to hurt. Was I always like this? No. How did I get this way? I've always been shy with certain things in my life (some people don't believe me) and I still am shy/reserved with certain things. Being honest it may have also been because I was hurt in the past and I once considered myself open and free with my love/vulnerability; I slowly started to shut down. It was difficult for me to confidently share my dreams because of the fear of rejection but I have grown much in stating my dreams and visions and making them happen. I guess I never related it to being vulnerable but hey, I’m growing like a big boy! 

I still need to allow vulnerability to grow in my love life. This has always been tricky for me and many people out there. That whole letting someone know how you feel thing is sssccarrryyy. Maybe you told someone you really liked how you felt about them and your conversation went like this: "I really like you. How do you feel? Do you like me? Not that way. Oohhh ok. That's cool, I didn't like you that much anyway. I was just playing." Ha! It's not funny but you can try and play it off that it didn't mean much to you but that fear of rejection keeps us from making moves. Not just in relationship stuff but with our goals, with our dreams. But being fearless and vulnerable could also lead to this type of convo, "I need to tell you that I like you. Not like a hand high five kind of like but a high five involving our lips kind of like", and as your heart pounds as they stare back they respond with, "You know, I like you too. I was just afraid to say anything. I was afraid you didn't feel the same way." Bamn! Just like Brené Brown said, we have to be courageous. We have to be vulnerable to give ourselves in a relationship in order for it to work. I realized that I wasn't giving all of myself in my past relationship. It wasn't fair to her and I was always sorry about that and apologize because she deserved the maximum amount of love, which she will get. For a while I thought I was making a mistake when we broke up but realized that in my heart I wasn't 100% in love the way I know I should be and could be. But I did learn one thing. She took a risk. She said I love you first. She wasn't afraid to be courageous and I was truly thankful and appreciative of that. I had a great example to pull from. Her courage was amazing!

After seeing Brené Browns vulnerability talk I decided to take a few steps toward being courageous in my life. I have been creating for myself and I'm taking risks with my endeavors. I started my own business’s and taking a risk in creating my own art and future.  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pharell and Daft Punk- Get Lucky

Pharell and Daft Punk have teamed up to create the song 'Get Lucky'!! This is my new joint to kick off summer. This makes me wanna dance and just have a great time. Listen, get up and DANCE!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pick up of the day!!!

I love shoes. I love sneakers. I believe that an outfit starts from the foundation and the foundation is the shoes. The Reebok Shaq attacks dropped today and I had to pick them up!!! I was hesitant because of the $160 price on them but after picking them up I'm glad I did. These are a great addition to my sneaker rotation.

Birth of Cool

Today's music selection for myself has been gospel (pandora), Nirvana and some Jazz. I was scrolling through my music and came across an album I haven't heard in a while, 'Birth of Cool' by Miles Davis. This album is such an important album to Jazz and me in general. I found the whole album online, it's not long (about 40 minutes). Take a listen and let it take you away. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Music, Müzik, musico...

If you know me (slowly, right?) then you know that music keeps me going! I just wanted to share a couple of tracks that have me nodding my head right now. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Make good art...

In an earlier post I shared a speech given by Neil Gaeman. He spoke about going out there and making good art. Following your dreams is a great journey and when you couple that with hard work you get greatness. Acting is a realm I am very familiar with and I wanted to simply share a great documentary on actor John Cazal. Who, you may ask. You may know him as Fredo from the Godfather or his strong performances in Dog Day Afternoon or Deer Hunter. Cazal was the actors actor and the documentary interviews greats such as Meryl Street, Sam Rockwell, Al Pacino and many others. Check it out, you'll def like it.

Friday, April 12, 2013


I'm a day late posting this photo. I'm also over a week behind in posting on my blog. I have a few posts coming soon! Anyway, a simple Outfit of the Day shot. I'm rocking a Shades of Grey jacket, sublimated tee, levi jeans, Puma YO MTV Raps Big Daddy Kane sneakers, a rosary given to me by a kind lady, multi-colored crosses bracelet from Top Shop and a shamballa bracelet to cap it all off. Boom! What did you rock? Until the next post.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Got some change?

This past month has been cray for me in regards to receiving tickets. I have to pay almost $600 for a ticket I got when I crossed a red light. Then I've gotten three tickets in the past two weeks for parking. Two were improper park times but these signs are so dang confusing! I contested one and won, yyeeessss! The last one I just received was super wack. I was walking to my car and from a long distance I could see the meter person just waiting for my time to expire. I got a tickets about a minute after my meter expired, aarrrggghhhh. Meter people all seem angry, why is that? The whole point of this post is not to complain. The whole point of this post is to appreciate the little things.

I received an amazing and thoughtful gift today. I recived a bag of change. A bag that read, "To Kevin Parking". I looked at this gift and though to myself, 'wow, this is great'. Regardless if I needed change or not for a mater I will always remember this act of kindness. I'm just writing this post to say thank you. Thank you for the thoughfulness. Thank you for caring. Thank you for putting a huge smile on my face. Thank you God for blessing me with great people, great family.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Put this on...

Searching the web I came across this really awesome internet show called 'Put this On'. I originally discovered it by looking over the Street Etiquette site (need to check it out!). This show is filled with great mens fashion knowledge and is well rounded. Hosted and co-created by Jesse Thorn, I've posted an episode that talks about 'Lo-Heads', Worth and Worth, musician John Marshall and has a kick ass Q & A session. Check it out!!!!

Make good art

      I've been going through a lot mentally lately. Not in a, "I'm sad and depressed" kind of way where I'm questioning my existence and what I'm doing with my life. Nope. I've mentally been going through more of the, "I've been thinking about what has priority in my life" type of going through stuff. At one point you need to realize/discover what your passions are. I feel that most of us know what our passions are but we choose to either pursue, delay or ignore them. Sometimes life happens and we are put into a situation where it is very difficult because of monetary strain or we have certain obligations that must be met (kids, family, amnesia...). I get it, shit happens. The point is that we each have the ability to follow our passions, it's up to you to make a move. My passions in life make my heart jump and give me a good nervous kind of feeling (Yes, I have more than one passion). My passions are God, family, acting, fashion, creating content and love. These things make me happy, extremely happy and fill me with excitement.
      As I was going through my perplexing mental contemplation I came across a video on youtube labeled, 'Inspiration'. I was inspired to click on it and it took me to a graduation speech given by Neil Gaimen. Neil is a writer who has written great pieces such as Coraline and Stardust!! I sat in front of my computer laughing, thinking, and really lost in his words. He spoke about creating for yourself, following your heart and following your passions. He also spoke about the journey to our own mountain and how things will naturally get in our way and cause us to move forward, stop or even walk away from our mountain (destiny). Man, it was exactly what I needed when I needed it. I want you to check out the video but before you do, please read a quote below from his speech because it really put things into perspective:

 "The things I did because I was excited and wanted to see them exist in reality have never let me down and I've never regretted the time I spent on any of them" I don't want to regret anything. Here is to us following our passions!!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beauty is only skin deep

The Four Tops Pandora radio is amazing! Just heard a song by The Temptations called, 'Beauty is Skin Deep' that inspired me to write this post...

It's easy to get caught up in physical attraction. When a women see's a man she notices what she notices from a physical stand point (Sorry, I can't really speak on what a women would immediately notice). When a man notices a woman (I can def speak on this) he may notice her breasts, booty, waist size or maybe her calves. Yes calves, guys like certain things. Anyway, we are all attracted to what we want. When I see a woman I'll admit it that I look at her physically attributes and decide to "holler" or not. But from experience, looks get old super fast. Some women are "bad" but like Bell Biv Devo once said, "never trust a big butt and a smile". At one point you need substance. That is why I adopted a policy of never calling a women beautiful when I first see her. I'll call her cute because that is what she is, cute. Cute is saved for the physical. Beautiful however is reserved for the internal and external. Beauty (to me) is reserved for a good hearted women. A women who cares about others, who has a good head on her shoulders and is herself. Nothing is sexier than a women who is her true self. Next time you call a girl beautiful just slow your roll and take stock on who she is as a person. Then after some time start firing away the compliments. Aight, now listen to the track!

Monday, March 4, 2013


Yesterday was my little bro's bday so he and I were chilling after his dinner. He decided he wanted to spend some of his birthday money so we shot over to the Promenade in Santa Monica. While we were there we were walking to the Levi's store when all of a sudden I heard the instrumental sound to a Roots song being played, "You got Met" (One of my fav musical groups of all time!!). I stopped and turned around and saw this guy start playing along to the song on his violin. All I can say is wow! This guy was amazing. He did covers to tons of songs and he did an amazing job. His name is Lee England and he was a cool dude. Check out a couple of his videos below and and next time your at the Promenade in Santa Monica buy his CD! (Yes, I bought it). This brother is mad talented, follow your dreams!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wanna hold hands?

Everyday is an amazing day. Sunday is awesome because it's Sunday! Duh! I get up, stretch/workout, shower, get dressed (dapper looking of course) and head to church. Growing up I saw going to church as a chore. Now, I love it. The word, the feeling of spirituality and being surrounded by so much love. There is such an amazing energy at my church. I normally park in the same area and walk my path to service. As I was walking today there was a couple in front of me. I've seen couples before and this particular couple was in front of me for a few seconds until I really noticed them. I noticed them holding hands. I've seen hand holding before (who hasn't?) but what really held my focus was that they were holding hands headed to church. Man, what an amazing thing to witness...Love. I'm all about energy and the spirit of people and their spirits were radiating with love. Love for each other but a love for God. I'll be straight up and honest, I can be guarded at times with my heart. Being vulnerable emotionally is not my go to thing but I know that I do love and can be vulnerable when the time is right. All I know is that when I saw this couple it reminded me that I want what they have, a relationship forged through God. I've always wanted what they have and I know I'll get it, someday. I know that I deserve the absolute best because I will give my best. If you've read my past entries (Valentines post) you know that I'm about the simple things. Holding hands is such a simple act of love but has such a huge impact. Holding hands requires physical action where you can feel the other person but the world also see's your union. Love is a journey with ups and downs but it always works out if you work at it. Such a great thing to see and experience. Best way to end this post is with a song....take it away John Legend!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Diego Zapata

I've been trying to pick up my art knowledge lately. I was searching the web and came across Diego Zapata. I was flipping through his work and I really dig what he's doing. Diego Zapata is a Spanish-American conteporary artist who is best known for his figurative and abstract expressionist paintings. Check out more of his work here!!.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Salsa!!! Usted Abuso

Getting down to music is a daily fix for me. Once I hear some great music I need to get up and start dancing. Throw on some Michael Jackon and I'm busting his classic moves. Some James Brown, I'm shuffling my feet to the rhythm. Play me some salsa and I'm moving my legs and hips. One of my fav artists is Celia Cruz, La Reina de Salsa!!! Here is a track by her and Willie Colon that always makes me wanna pretend I'm in the middle of the dance floor. Get up and dance because it makes you happy, no lie.

Don't look back, look forward....

Inspiration comes from everywhere. One amazing source of inspiration God has blessed me with is family. My Tia Patsy is such an amazing women. She always speaks positivity and she loves sending me quotes from scriptures, books or anywhere else she gets them from. She sent me a text this past week and as I read it I was truly motivated and uplifted. I asked her where she got it from and she told me she wrote it. Man, I love it!! Below is a pic of myself and this great women along with her quote. Check it out and I pray it inspires you as much as it does me.
Don't look back, look forward.
Don't think your position is were you think you should be.
Think Beyond your expectations.
God will put things in your life that you will you will be amazed with, so much grown is around the corner.
People and places will come into your life that will take you to the
place you've always dreamed of.
God created you to be one of a kind. You have the power of God to get up every morning to a beautiful day.
Thank him for the opportunity he has given you, the ability to strive now, not tomorrow, today!
Get up and start this beautiful journey of today that will make tomorrow an exciting energy you can not wait to see and feel for what's in store in your life.
Don't look back, looking forward is the key. Great things are about to happen.
Make sure to keep your heart filled with GOD, FAITH, STRENGTH, LOVE, JOY and FAMILY!
Having these 6 amazing concepts that God has given us will enlighten your path.
Keep in mind we only have today to make a difference which tomorrow will be
another powerful chapter of your life.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mike Friton: The Innovator

Mike Friton designed for Nike for over 30 years! His designs have transformed the shoe world. His experience began through trial and error but he has flourished into one of the most innovative shoe designers in the world. He continues to learn and develop his skills, making his great in his work. Check him out here:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Radiant Child!!

Growing up having an outlet of some sort is very important. Heck, having an outlet to express yourself at any age is important. I played basketball, video games, skated and had a bunch of other activities that kept me entertained. I still keep learning new things. I've tried painting, teaching myself the piano and sewing as some. You never know what will stick and can make you legendary. Well, Jean Michel-Basquiat played around with graffiti and through this activity he became a legend. Check out this awesome documentary on a talented brother.

Sugar pie honey bunch!!!!

Get down to this!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Teyana Taylor adidas Harlem GLC!!

Kev is the name and kicks are part of my game. adidas and Teyana Taylor came together and designed a pair of shoes called the Harlem GLC's. These give a voice to the women in the sneaker game. Women need more shoes and I'm glad sneaker companies such as adidas are creating more opportunities. Nice Kicks documented her sneaker release which you can check below!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Inspiration: Never cease learning

Life is all about the simple things. The simple things make the greatest impact. I used to tutor a lot of kids in the Los Angeles area. I stopped because I'm pursing different endeavors. Although I stopped tutoring for the company I still do volunteer and tutor and mentor some of my former students. I showed up for an appointment this morning with a student at the library. As soon as I sat down there was an older Korean man sitting next to our table. He walked up to us and stood there for a few seconds before he spoke. He said, "My name is Kym. I am 80 years old and I am learning english. I am in school and I have homework. Could you help me?" I stared at him for a second because I didn't want to cut into my tutoring session but I didn't have the heart to say I couldn't help. Ssoooo I looked at my student to make sure it was cool and she smiled and gave me the green light so I said, "sure". He immediately grabbed his work and brought over his 70 sentences he needed corrected. We went over everything and he was extremely focused. He asked questions and was such a student, even at 80 years of age he was open and willing to listen. I was impressed and it reminded me to always stay hungry, grow and improve. The best part of all this was when before he left he asked me to write my name on a post it. He asked that I write my name so that he could pray for me. I sat there and smiled because faith and religion is important to me. Him telling me that he would pray for me was touching because he was filled with so much love and sincerity. The best thing was that unknowingly my student took a picture of Kym and myself. I love the picture because it shows his dedication to still grow in life even after 80 years. Kym is a great soul and I always want to be like Kym, a student.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The only limits are the ones you place on yourself.

One of my life goals (I have a few of them) is to dunk. I'm 5'9" and I barely have average the moment. That's right, I'm going to dunk. What's stopping me? Nothing. I already have over half the distance covered with my height, let's just add some hops and I'm good. I came to this decision about a week ago that I am going to do this. The time is now. Here is a video of one of my favorite competitors in the NBA, 5'7" Nate Robinson doing his thing as inspiration. Let's go!!!

Alicia Keys: That's when I knew

It is about 12:20am on February 14th of 2013 and my playlist put this track on. Def diggin Alicia Keys new album and this is a dope song.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wwhhaaaa mother *&%$#!!

Riding that pony, Ginuine style! My Saturday night in Arcadia was mad fun. I met up with my friend and her two nephews at Dave and Busters. I love D&B; you can play games, eat some grub or grab a drink. Did you know they have a four player air hockey table? It was complicated but amazing to see nonetheless. I was undefeated in pool but got owned in connect four, womp womp! Fun!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Music keeps me going!!

It's Saturday morning on the west coast!!! I just got done working out and Earth Wind and Fire just came on!! One of my favorite musical groups growing up. I remember every Saturday morning after my cartoons Mom would be cleaning the house playing great music. Here's to a great day!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Iman Shumpert Top 5 adidas rotation

People who know me (you slowly are) know that I love basketball. I grew up playing and still play when I can. As I picked up basketball as a youth I also picked up on the crazy sneakers that come with the sport. Here is a video interview by Nice Kicks on New York Knicks guard Iman Shumpert. He is sponsored by adidas and the video goes over his top 5 sneakers in his rotation. Shupert is a young player in the league but I like his game and his high top is mad flavor. Let's see if he keeps healthy. Check out the kicks!!!

Soy tu rey y tu mi reina!!

Soooooo, Valentines day is coming up soon. Talking with a few people (men and women) I've realized that some folks believe V-day is hype while others yearn for a day of being showered with love, attention and gifts. Traditionally of course it's the guy who wines and dines but I see my ladies who take the reign of showering their man with love (not just sex at the end of the night). V-day is a day of creativity or it can be a day of disappointment. It all depends on who you choose, who chooses you or doesn't choose you. There is always the whole, "I'm chilling with my friends tonight because they have my back" date night. There is also, "I don't need no valentine, I'm doing me with a movie and ice cream" date night. I feel that we should always love ourselves and if you want to spend on someone then might as well spend on yourself. I'm just saying, I could use a pair of nice vintage brown wingtip shoes or a watch, maybe both? (Thank you very much Fox). However you spend V-day the bottom line is to look deep into yourself and make sure you love YOU. It's so easy to fall into a trap of needing validation to feel good. I'm not saying it's not great to have someone special to love and cherish. It's an amazing feeling to have someone you love to laugh with, play board games with, come home to, send just because gifts, talk with, inspire and grow with and wrestle with. I find it difficult to place all of my love and attention on just one day. I'm the kind of dude where I like to do things all through out the year. Making someone feel special comes from the simplest things such as saying, "I believe in you" or "I think you are beautiful". It's also a feeling of never wanting to let go of a hug because you like the way their body feels against yours. Just make sure you love yourself and it will lead to a healthy relationship. Ok, now that I'm off my sappy love rant I wanted talk about the inspiration for this post. I was at the Culver City Steps this week and as I reached the top of the hill I looked down (after my legs were burning up!) at the river bed and I saw some tagging on the walls. As I looked further I noticed hearts and then some writing in Spanish that said, "Soy tu rey...y tu mi reina". This translates to, "I am your are my queen". I stared at those words for a while and it reminded me of the simple things. Of course this was no simple act of love, it took some time to get that done. What I got behind it all was passion. Love isn't about what you can actually give someone like a necklace or pair of shoes. Love is all about feeling. It's all about your heart jumping and your stomach feeling like it has a bagillion butterflies. Love is listening. If we all just listen to those we love we can make it easy because it's all there for us. Next time you're with somebody you care about, just listen. You will pick up on the little things and those little things snowball into big things. Maybe they want to paint, buy them a canvas and brushes. Maybe they like a certain type of food, cook it for them or go out if you can't cook. Maybe they like a certain type of movie, watch it with them. Whatever it is put that passion behind it like that amazing piece of art. You are the kings and queens of the world and deserve to be treated as such. Happy Valentines Day.

How bad do you want it?

We all have a vision and goal we want to attain. Not everybody does make it happen because shit happens. I get it, we all can't live out our dreams...or can we? How bad do you want to follow your heart and turn you passions into a reality? Here is a video that inspires me to follow my dreams and keep moving forward.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Revo Style recently did an interview with one of London's/the Worlds illest style Shai Spooner. Shai talks about his inspirations and his own sense of style. Well edited and shot, check it out and enjoy!