Friday, February 8, 2013

Soy tu rey y tu mi reina!!

Soooooo, Valentines day is coming up soon. Talking with a few people (men and women) I've realized that some folks believe V-day is hype while others yearn for a day of being showered with love, attention and gifts. Traditionally of course it's the guy who wines and dines but I see my ladies who take the reign of showering their man with love (not just sex at the end of the night). V-day is a day of creativity or it can be a day of disappointment. It all depends on who you choose, who chooses you or doesn't choose you. There is always the whole, "I'm chilling with my friends tonight because they have my back" date night. There is also, "I don't need no valentine, I'm doing me with a movie and ice cream" date night. I feel that we should always love ourselves and if you want to spend on someone then might as well spend on yourself. I'm just saying, I could use a pair of nice vintage brown wingtip shoes or a watch, maybe both? (Thank you very much Fox). However you spend V-day the bottom line is to look deep into yourself and make sure you love YOU. It's so easy to fall into a trap of needing validation to feel good. I'm not saying it's not great to have someone special to love and cherish. It's an amazing feeling to have someone you love to laugh with, play board games with, come home to, send just because gifts, talk with, inspire and grow with and wrestle with. I find it difficult to place all of my love and attention on just one day. I'm the kind of dude where I like to do things all through out the year. Making someone feel special comes from the simplest things such as saying, "I believe in you" or "I think you are beautiful". It's also a feeling of never wanting to let go of a hug because you like the way their body feels against yours. Just make sure you love yourself and it will lead to a healthy relationship. Ok, now that I'm off my sappy love rant I wanted talk about the inspiration for this post. I was at the Culver City Steps this week and as I reached the top of the hill I looked down (after my legs were burning up!) at the river bed and I saw some tagging on the walls. As I looked further I noticed hearts and then some writing in Spanish that said, "Soy tu rey...y tu mi reina". This translates to, "I am your are my queen". I stared at those words for a while and it reminded me of the simple things. Of course this was no simple act of love, it took some time to get that done. What I got behind it all was passion. Love isn't about what you can actually give someone like a necklace or pair of shoes. Love is all about feeling. It's all about your heart jumping and your stomach feeling like it has a bagillion butterflies. Love is listening. If we all just listen to those we love we can make it easy because it's all there for us. Next time you're with somebody you care about, just listen. You will pick up on the little things and those little things snowball into big things. Maybe they want to paint, buy them a canvas and brushes. Maybe they like a certain type of food, cook it for them or go out if you can't cook. Maybe they like a certain type of movie, watch it with them. Whatever it is put that passion behind it like that amazing piece of art. You are the kings and queens of the world and deserve to be treated as such. Happy Valentines Day.

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