Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Make good art

      I've been going through a lot mentally lately. Not in a, "I'm sad and depressed" kind of way where I'm questioning my existence and what I'm doing with my life. Nope. I've mentally been going through more of the, "I've been thinking about what has priority in my life" type of going through stuff. At one point you need to realize/discover what your passions are. I feel that most of us know what our passions are but we choose to either pursue, delay or ignore them. Sometimes life happens and we are put into a situation where it is very difficult because of monetary strain or we have certain obligations that must be met (kids, family, amnesia...). I get it, shit happens. The point is that we each have the ability to follow our passions, it's up to you to make a move. My passions in life make my heart jump and give me a good nervous kind of feeling (Yes, I have more than one passion). My passions are God, family, acting, fashion, creating content and love. These things make me happy, extremely happy and fill me with excitement.
      As I was going through my perplexing mental contemplation I came across a video on youtube labeled, 'Inspiration'. I was inspired to click on it and it took me to a graduation speech given by Neil Gaimen. Neil is a writer who has written great pieces such as Coraline and Stardust!! I sat in front of my computer laughing, thinking, and really lost in his words. He spoke about creating for yourself, following your heart and following your passions. He also spoke about the journey to our own mountain and how things will naturally get in our way and cause us to move forward, stop or even walk away from our mountain (destiny). Man, it was exactly what I needed when I needed it. I want you to check out the video but before you do, please read a quote below from his speech because it really put things into perspective:

 "The things I did because I was excited and wanted to see them exist in reality have never let me down and I've never regretted the time I spent on any of them" I don't want to regret anything. Here is to us following our passions!!!


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