Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wanna hold hands?

Everyday is an amazing day. Sunday is awesome because it's Sunday! Duh! I get up, stretch/workout, shower, get dressed (dapper looking of course) and head to church. Growing up I saw going to church as a chore. Now, I love it. The word, the feeling of spirituality and being surrounded by so much love. There is such an amazing energy at my church. I normally park in the same area and walk my path to service. As I was walking today there was a couple in front of me. I've seen couples before and this particular couple was in front of me for a few seconds until I really noticed them. I noticed them holding hands. I've seen hand holding before (who hasn't?) but what really held my focus was that they were holding hands headed to church. Man, what an amazing thing to witness...Love. I'm all about energy and the spirit of people and their spirits were radiating with love. Love for each other but a love for God. I'll be straight up and honest, I can be guarded at times with my heart. Being vulnerable emotionally is not my go to thing but I know that I do love and can be vulnerable when the time is right. All I know is that when I saw this couple it reminded me that I want what they have, a relationship forged through God. I've always wanted what they have and I know I'll get it, someday. I know that I deserve the absolute best because I will give my best. If you've read my past entries (Valentines post) you know that I'm about the simple things. Holding hands is such a simple act of love but has such a huge impact. Holding hands requires physical action where you can feel the other person but the world also see's your union. Love is a journey with ups and downs but it always works out if you work at it. Such a great thing to see and experience. Best way to end this post is with a song....take it away John Legend!

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